"It's over. Auf wiedersehen. See you in four years' time in South Africa. There are any number of ways to approach this but the bottom line for Team USA: Short and not so sweet, and certainly not enough for soccer's version of the Sweet 16. Let me be clear on one point right away. The United States was one of the best 16 teams here, it just wasn't able to prove it. Instead the record book will show that a small country, west Africa's Ghana, will have gone to the dance in its first World Cup appearance.Great teams find a way to overcome adversity, bad refereeing decisions included, and when they become great - as Arena pointed out the other day -funny decisions start going your way. So it is over for another four years. Arena's future, by his own admission, is uncertain. His contract is up and he has done much good as national coach. But eight years is a long time to be coach. In fact, he is the dean of current World Cup coaches."Read Marcos' full report at the Tampa Tribune >>